dgdubya wrote:
OMG that looks perfect, and sweet! Thank you
My brother and his wife own a 1998 model year. They "Love" their Starflyte. Starflytes seem to be put together very well. His E350 version is holding up very well considering it is now 20 years old and left outside all the time.
One thing you will want to add if not added already, is a heavy duty rear stabilizer bar. There is no rear bar at all on the E350 version. The bar will run around $250 plus $100 labor to install it.....well worth the $350. If pursing a Starflyte, hopefully the one you find has a heavy duty rear stabilizer bar added already.
My brother and I bought a heavy duty rear Helwig stabilizer bar, found cheap on the internet. We installed it together with common tools. Nothing weird or especially difficult
Given the age of the E350 front stabilizer bar and it's end link bushings that wear out easily, I would also recommend replacing the stock, weak front bar with a heavy duty Helwig bar. My brother is letting his front bar ride. I could not convince him to upgrade it to a heavy duty Helwig. He says the rig handles fine with just the heavy duty rear Helwig bar.