Forum Discussion

rlb8s's avatar
Jul 24, 2013

Insurance Coverage?

What coverage do you recommend for your RV? This is what progressive quoted me for a 13 Tioga Montara 25K. I'm truly not sure if the level of coverage is appropriate for the RV. Thoughts?

Bodily Injury & Property Damage: $100,000 person/$300,000 accident/$50,000 property damage
Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury: $100,000 person/$300,000 accident
Medical Payments: $5,000 each person
Trailer: $0-$2,500 (included w/Physical Damage coverage)

Comprehensive: $500 deductible
Collision: $500 deductible
Disappearing Deductibles: Selected
Uninsured Motorist Property Damage: No coverage
Emergency Expense: $2,000
Vacation Liability: $25,000
Roadside Assistance: Selected
Replacement Cost Personal Effects: $5,000
Scheduled Personal Effects: No coverage
  • 1. Drop the "disappearing deductible"!
    2. Drop the roadside assistance and get Coach-Net.
    3. Drop per peril (100/300/50) and get $500,000 combined. That $50,000 property damage liability is way too low. Your at fault and total a motor vehicle and many are worth more than $50,000.
    4. Add uninsured motorists property damage.
    5. Drop medical payments. Your liability insurance will pay any medical payments for an at fault incident, just like medical payments. It is double insuring.
    6. After confirming your homeowner's insurance will cover your liability at the campsite (most will), drop vacation liability. If it doesn't, raise vacation liability to at least $250,000.

    State laws are different, so you may or may not be able to activate some suggestions you get here.
  • For a vehicle that size, I would want at least 300/500/300k coverage.

    Also skip progressives "Roadside Assistance" and get AAA RV+ or Good Sam instead. Progressive's cap is so low it may not even cover hookup, much less any mileage.
  • Bionic Man wrote:
    Get rid of the per peril coverage and get something like a $500k combined single limit.

    If not, you need to at the very least up the property damage above $50k.

    Do you have an umbrella policy?

    Please elaborate. I'm not sure I understand what you are recommending. What is the advantage of getting rid of the per peril coverage in favor of the combined single limit? Also, I don't have an umbrella policy.
  • Get rid of the per peril coverage and get something like a $500k combined single limit.

    If not, you need to at the very least up the property damage above $50k.

    Do you have an umbrella policy?
  • Some of those levels I would up for sure. I would also select uninsured motorist. I guess it also depends on the premium they gave you as well.