Replacing springs NEVER fixes HWH retraction problems where you have to use a Lever or floor jack to fully retract. The problem is, ANY HWH jack that sticks in retraction and you have to pry up with a 2x4 or floor jack---the internal seals are bad. 2 solutions--
1. Remove and send to HWH or a local hydraulic shop for rebuild
2. Order new cylinder from HWH and replace
Wiping down the cylinder with WD 40 or ATF is just a band aid for the real problem. WITHOUT the springs installed, you could lay down and manually push the jack cylinders up to full retraction when in retract mode. Spring replacement is needed when the jacks do not retract completely and you can get them retracted by pushing with your hand. The Spring Replacement idea came into being about 10 years ago when they had springs that lost their tensile strength and you could fully retract by pushing by hand. HWH redesigned the springs and IF you have springs that are tapered on each end your springs are strong enough to retract. Doug