MeanderMan wrote:
I had the springs replace two years ago, and about a year ago the jack started retracting slower and slower, until they quit about half way up. I tried what the HWH tech said at a rally, dry silicone spray, but it didn't help. I fabricated a piece of wood with a lever that gets them up, but finally got underneath, cleaned the seals with a toothbrush saturated with WD40, and wiped the jacks with it also. Since then, an occasional cleaning and wiping keeps them operating smoothly. BTW, I'm a full timer, and the jacks get raised/lowered an average of once a week. Personally, I think it's an inherent design problem, and I'm not going to replace any parts until the jacks lock up and won't move.
Yes, it IS a design problem, but HWH has corrected the type seals used. That is why you replace the cylinder or have it rebuilt. This problem has been around for over 10 years and HWH has updated the type seals 2 times as the problem does happen on newer cylinders and they updated the type seals again a few years ago. Doug