Forum Discussion

moonlightsailor's avatar
Sep 10, 2021

Looking for RV docs for 2000 Fleetwood Tioga

Hello everyone!

I just purchased an RV but not documentation came with it. Fleetwood doesn't have the documents I'm looking for...

So, I'm looking for an owner of an RV exactly like mine.

Here is the FIN & VIN
Serial Number/FIN: 877zy7733358
VIN: 1fdxe40s5xhb13555
Model: 2000 Fleetwood Tioga
If you have documents for this model I'll gladly pay you to make copies or scan them for me and send to me.

  • Tell us what documents you need, we are assuming you are talking about manuals for appliances, etc.?
    Or is it something else?
  • Typically, RV owner's manuals (from the RV maker themselves) are very generic, covering many different models, and not very helpful. There are a number of beginner's guide to RVing sort of books around that cover the same sorts of information at least as well.

    As was said, if you want chassis or appliance information, that is fairly readily available. If you're looking for electrical or plumbing diagrams, they may very well not exist, or at least not be available to the general public.
  • What documents would be helpful. The manuals for the appliances are readily available on line and those items are not that specific to one brand or model of coach. The chassis is the same. In my years of ownership of my Itasca, I rarely if ever looked at the large binder for any information, it was easier to do a search online.
    Good luck in your search and welcome.