Forum Discussion

et2's avatar
Aug 03, 2013

Motor home noises

Our new DP has a few squeaks from the front driving area (left & right window area) when driving. Being new to this, is this normal in a motor home? Also some wind noise around the door area. Also the power steering gurgles at the steering wheel when turning.

Our 2010 dodge ram was pretty quiet. I just want to make sure before I start whining to the dealer.

2013 Fleetwood Expedition 40x
  • just came across this post and I had to laugh.
    Laugh because I had a very similar problem on the same side of the motorhome.
    I told my husband about it who got all excited and said he knew what it was and promptly fixed it for me...
    Mystified... I had to ask him...
    He said it was a dash vent that was partially closed and just opened it up fully for me..OH MAN !!! He said they can also get stuff caught in there that will whistle... go figure, such a simple solution for my noise (this time...).

    check it out ... hopefully it is your issue too :)
  • rgatijnet1 wrote:
    Wooden cabinet sides, and loose dash panels, can all cause squeaks and rattles. It's not right, but sometimes these things can be difficult to find. Dash squeaks can sometimes be found with a little baby powder sprinkled around to lubricate the rubbing. If it stops, you have found the area that needs further attention.
    Poor weather strip sealing around the door could be causing the wind noise. You may try putting a little petroleum jelly on the door gasket and see if this helps. It will also show you if the weather gasket is making full contact with the other side. Keep in mind that if the door is a little loose on it's hinges, the air passing by, as you drive, may actually pull the door away from the coach causing air noise.
    X-2 I agree with your post Ronnie! And sometimes people forget your driving a large truck with a house built on it! You won't get the same ride as a car or pickup truck. If the road surface is not perfectly straight your going to have flex which makes lots of different noises. The power steering shouldn't be making the noise your describing it needs to be looked at! I play the music a little louder in my coach when driving so the little noises here and there don't drive me nuts!
  • Wooden cabinet sides, and loose dash panels, can all cause squeaks and rattles. It's not right, but sometimes these things can be difficult to find. Dash squeaks can sometimes be found with a little baby powder sprinkled around to lubricate the rubbing. If it stops, you have found the area that needs further attention.
    Poor weather strip sealing around the door could be causing the wind noise. You may try putting a little petroleum jelly on the door gasket and see if this helps. It will also show you if the weather gasket is making full contact with the other side. Keep in mind that if the door is a little loose on it's hinges, the air passing by, as you drive, may actually pull the door away from the coach causing air noise.
  • None of the above should be happening. All's quiet in our 2004 Newmar...
  • And things that go BUMP in the night!!

    "Tap, tap, tapping.....rap,rap rapping on my window sill."
  • sch911 wrote:
    The large MH body flexes as it's stressed going down the road. Squeaks and creaks are pretty much the norm. If you have loud pops, or grinding noises have it looked at. Also the PS fluid level should be checked it sounds like....

    I checked he fluid. It's topped off. Best I can describe is a hissing gurgling noise when turning the steering wheel. I will have that looked at .
  • It might be normal in a Fleetwood, but my 19 year old Foretravel does not make those noises. And if it did, I would be concerned.
  • I think with what you paid for your rig, you have all the rights in the world to whine if you feel something isn't right. As the units get older and a number of miles put on them, you will get all kinds of noises. I have heard some units, with the air and road noise around the door and they certainly can adjust some of that out. I don't believe there should be much noise around the windows of a new coach. I would definitely have them check it out. Good luck and enjoy that new rig. Macktee
  • The large MH body flexes as it's stressed going down the road. Squeaks and creaks are pretty much the norm. If you have loud pops, or grinding noises have it looked at. Also the PS fluid level should be checked it sounds like....