Silverbeast wrote:
I just purchase a used 2004 Newmar Kountry Star pusher. It has a Cat 3126e 330hp. As a newbee I replaced the Fuel filter dry. Big mistake, I have since filled the filter with ATF and even pressurized the fuel tank. I have cranked it over for short intervals of no more than 30 sec. and have let the starter cool for more that 5 min's at a time, but it still wont start. Can anyone help me please.
Well Sir, I went through the same EXACT issue(s) you're experiencing a while ago. After a few calls, including one to Brett, one to Freightliner, and one to CAT, it was determined that, I must pressurize the tank. You've done that. But, if yours is anything like ours, you've only done it half way.
I too was told to use "ATF" when I also changed the filter ( ours too has a single filter/water separator ) and did not fill it prior to installation. I never used the ATF. I did it that way (empty filter) because there was one line, in a CAT book that said to install it DRY! Boy, did I learn my lesson.
Anyway, I'll tell you what I did, (along with the Dear Wife's help) and see if it will help you. I too cranked and cranked and cranked. I bet I put about an hour on that starter, that it didn't need.
Anyway, here's what we did.
1. Since there is NO bleed screw at the filter base for the single filter, (at least there is none on mine) I had to break free, the incoming line to that filter base and leave it partially connected. I then had the DW put pressure on the fuel fill inlet for about 10-15 seconds. That's how long it took the fuel to reach the fitting I had loose. I then tightened it up. Now, I also filled the filter prior to that. I then cranked and cranked, nope, still no start.
So, I then proceeded to the HEUI pump to see what I could see. Well, the line from the out put side of the filter base, leads to what's called the "Transfer pump" or, "Lift pump" (depending on your description of it). That lift pump is at the base of the HEUI pump. Well, since I had nothing to loose, I broke that fitting free and removed it. I then, had the DW put air pressure on the tank again. It took about another 10-15 seconds for fuel to start flowing out of that fitting. I immediately connected that fitting while she still had pressure on the tank.
I then went up front and tried cranking again. Well, after about 5-10 seconds of cranking, it started spitting are coughing and started to run. I continued cranking (for about another 5-10 seconds) and it took off by itself.
It only coughed and spit for about 4-5 seconds and then, purred like a kitten, at least as good as a CAT C-7 can purr.
So, the moral of the story:
1. Pre-fill your filter (single filter engines) with known, clean diesel, in the outter holes of the filter.
2. Make sure when you do a filter change, your tank is full and, the level of the tank fuel level height, is higher or, at the very least, is equal in elevation to the inlet/outlet of your filter base.
3. You can, if you chose, to do exactly what I did so that this problem will never happen again. I installed inlet and outlet "shut off valves" to prohibit the potential "DRAINBACK" fuel into the tank, should it be at a lower level than the height of the fuel filter base.
Now, most have not had the problem like you and I had/have. It was just my dumb luck to have a low level of fuel in the tank when I changed my filter, and, I did not pre-fill the filter due to some instructions in the CAT Book, I had a "drainback" of the fuel, all the way from the rear of the coach, where the filter is, to the tank, in the middle of the coach. And, somehow, ( I still have not figured out this one yet) I lost all the fuel between the filter and the lift pump. So, what I had at that filter change, was a 25' long air bubble, YEOW!!!!!!
And, as stated, it took that much time and air pressure, inserted into the fuel tank opening, to push that fuel, all the way up to, through the filter and, into the transfer/lift pump. From that point on, it took over the ability to acquire fuel on its own. So, that's how I got mine running after doing exactly what you did. Here's some pictures of before and after, of my remedy for it to NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Good luck.