rk911 wrote:
NC6B wrote:
rk911 wrote:
won’t do you much good now but in the future for small, repairable dings & nicks either call your insurance agent or, as i do, just call Safelight. they’ll take all your info on the phone even filing the glass claim. and in most cases cost is covered by your comprehensive coverage. if the windshield needs to be replaced then absolutely call your agent. we’ve had three windshields replaced on two previous motorho
es and several dings repaired by Safelight on our current MH.
When the windshield broke in the first place I called Safelite. I was told my local shop did not do class A motorhomes. I called today to get a quote and was told they will now do class A RV's.
odd. a ding in a windshield is a ding in a windshield. maybe you spoke with an ill-informed agent. best of luck to you.
What I should have said is they would not replace a windshield at the time. I did not ask about chip repair since that is not what I needed.