I would look at a used Coachman Freelander 21QB when considering a very tight budget and the woman of the house will be the sole driver. They are the short side of rigs yet still accommodate Mom & Dad with two kids, and also Grandma on occasion. Those units are entry-level, meaning they are at risk for water damage. But find an older one cheap and in good condition, and take care of it. You will need to get creative with indoor storage when accommodating 5 people. Consider tote boxes in the front bunk for clothes and other necessities. You will have far more outdoor storage than you can utilize. Maybe store some totes out there.
Coachman Freeelander 21QB is only 23.5 feet end-to-end on the Ford chassis. The Chevy will be 6 to 9 inches longer, all related to the front van portion. The house remains the same.
21QB Floorplan

Years ago a sister to the 21QB was built under a different brand but I don't recall the name. Hopefully someone else will chime in and share it. With both name brands, that will help to locate an affordable used one. Given these were made in various lengths and floor plans, be sure to focus on 21QB "QB" mean Queen Bed. "21" is supposed to be the length, but it is really a few feet longer.
If I had a young family and on a very tight budget, an older 21QB would be my choice. Of coarse watching very close for the water damage, and maintenance thereof along with over-all condition. The choice goes against everything I preach on when shopping for a motor home. But the tight budget & family circumstances would mandate otherwise.
One point when shopping....if the inside smells moldy or musty, it likely has hidden water issues. Also look for interior water stains on walls and ceiling. Any stain is trouble. A 6" stain could mean the wall may be rotted out.