Forum Discussion

Squealers's avatar
Feb 14, 2015

Non-Venturi Generator Exhaust Extender Ideas


I will be heading out on a trip to spring training in Florida here in several weeks.

I will be using my genset, and want to be able to safely use it overnight if necessary. I have a few concerns about the exhausting of genset. It dumps out right below my full wall slide.

I want to look at a way to extend it out past the slide, and don't think a venturi styled set-up will work since I would have to clear the extended slide before going up.

I have heard about some folks using a alternative such as an aluminum flexible conduit. If you have used this, or seen this or have ideas about this or anything which may work to get this exhaust out from under my coach, I would love to hear about it. Also wondering about how it attaches to the muffler, and how you would keep it from recoiling, etc.

Thanks for you insight, and hopefully I can get this rectified before I leave next month.
  • I have a 6' section of flexable exhaust tubing purchased at local auto parts store. It just fits over gennie exhaust, and extends it 6' out whichever direction. When ready to travel, just pull it off and stuff back in bin. Gets warm to the touch, but not enough for fire. Could always put rocks under it if needed. Doesn't seem to have any effect on back pressure, or running. It does get exhause sound out a bit which helps also.