dougrainer wrote:
Are you positive that there is NOT a Radio Dash switch? Some Winne's used a Dash switch that switched between CHASSIS power for the radio and COACH power for the radio. That switch means that you could use the Radio when camped without draining the chassis battery. Now, since you had blown fuses at the time of changing the batteries, that means at some point you connected the WRONG positive wire. Fuses do not blow when changing batteries unless you short something. You state that there are NO fuses behind the radio. Well after working on Motorhomes for 37 years (still do) I have never seen the OEM remove the inline fuse holders on the back of radios. That means there may be that inline fuse UNLESS you are positive that it is the yellow Winne wires direct to that RED and Yellow from the radio. Now, some OEM's fuse the Radio and some other components AT the battery area or at the battery disconnect area. Double check within a foot or so of the battery area and the Battery disconnect area. If you call Winne, they are usually pretty sharp at where these type fuses may be located as it is a very common complaint. Doug
Yes there is a switch that toggles the radio from coach to starting batterys
I have that switch out from the dash .doing that I will put a rubber band around it and check voltage at the solenoid. I will get voltage while switch is depressed in either direction . But not when its at rest in the middle . As i believe it should .
I was doing this to check both solenoids inside the panel. As the Aux start switch from coach to chassis was not working . I had seen the solenoid was opened by PO for cleaning . I also opened it and un gummed it . A new silver contact one is on its way in a day or two , I just , one by one also swapped every relay in the front to eliminate that possibility
I am going to call tech support after the weekend as you suggested.
In not a novice with these type problems . The coach was purchased from an 84yo who didn't use it for the last few years , He also had all constant draw items disconnected prior to my purchase . I now have battery up to par and charging properly .
Oh let me ask ,, under dash in the cluster of wires . I see s couple connectors . Grey in color about an inch and half to two inch . Rather odd to me . Could they be a fusible link ?