Forum Discussion

allbrandauto's avatar
Jul 25, 2016

onan 5.5 generater

I have a Fleetwood bounder that I have owned since new in 2010 gen. went out would run as long as you held start button but than would die found upper gen brush completely wore out bottom brush looked like new made a tool to polish armature and put new brushes in 3 years later same thing 3 years after that same thing puled gen. out this weekend and replaced armature top comuntater burned up runs fine now but was it a bad armature from factory or did something cause this
  • I have a onan 5500 and just had brushes replaced yesterday. Same thing 1 brush looks new other worn about 1/4 " or more. We tested amps on both circuits. Found the brushes wearing is the main one everything runs on. The other brush is for the rear ac circuit. Ours has 1800 hrs on it and we have had to replace these every 550-600 hrs. The onan guy check our comuntator said looks okay and the readings when checking everything was fine.
  • when I pulled armature out upper slip ring grooved and burned up brush holder house upper and lower brushes so if was to much tension I think it would do it for both
  • Is the slip ring rough? Too much spring pressure on that one brush? Getting hotter near that brush than the other? I've also read reference to silicone causing excessive brush wear on motors. Have you got any silicone sealants on or near that brush location?

    Just some thoughts. I have over 800 hours on my Onan 5.5 and it has the original brushes with lots more wear left on them. Yours does sound excessive.
  • at least ones a month only one brush wears changed first brush set at 220 hours did it 3 times before replacing armature gen. now has 680 hours