usersmanual wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
usersmanual wrote:
bmwbob wrote:
I just tried the WD40 and it worked like a charm!
I didn't have to touch the jack.
I put them all back down, gave each one a shot of WD 40, then cycled them a few times.
All is well.
Thanks, folks!
iam seriously glad the jack is working for you but the WD40 application really has nothing to do with a HWH jack ram sticking or not sticking. The two main reasons they stick is because the release valve is not releasing fully or the return springs are weak
Sorry, the MAIN reason a jack sticks and has to be pried up is the Internal seals have failed. I have NEVER had a solenoid partially release.(30 years of HWH jack service). The OP has done a temporary fix. Once the WD40 wears off the jacks will stick again. UNDER HWH warranty, they replace the cylinder when this happens. Not some lube or clean to get it fixed. Exercising the jacks when this happens makes the internal seal pliable for awhile, then it starts sticking again. MY test for this problem when customers come in is the extend the jacks for 48 hours and then retract. IF any jack fails to fully retract in 5 minutes, I replace that cylinder. If I operate the jacks when the customer drops off, the odds are the offending jacks will operate to spec. Waiting that 48 hours allows the defective seal to shrink slightly. If you think a solenoid is not fully releasing, just open the manual release on that solenoid. OR crack open that hydraulic line and you will see the jack fails to retract. Doug
yes I know about the seals but I knew the WD40 did not fix his problem
I had a solenoid fail once and had to replace it.So i assumed(right or wrong) maybe they could stick at partial opening and maybe impede the jack retraction
I know weak springs for sure can cause his problem wheather u agree or not
Springs, YES. BUT as I stated, to verify if you think springs are the problem, put in retract mode, when the jack stops, try to push it up with your hand. If the jack retracts by hand, replace the springs. If it does NOT, and you have to lever it up, the springs are NOT your problem. Doug