Forum Discussion

horacios2's avatar
May 17, 2017

owner manuals

I need to get, download or purchase operators manual for a 1997 Georgie Boy Cruise Air . I just bought it without manuals. Thank you!
  • I'm with the OP on this. I like to have the manuals to the rig -- just look how many questions on a place like this or at farcebook could be avoided with the manuals at hand. As an example: winterizing instructions for that specific rig.

    I agree that it is more important to find the manuals for the appliances and attached equipment, though -- most of which can be found online.

    Now, finding manuals for a 20 year old rig -- that's another matter.
  • Not worth the paper you would print it on. RV manuals are just too fluffy and have no real useful information. You would be bettermoff making a list of appliances, by make, model and serial number. Then go online and download manuals for each item.