I tend to side with drum brakes. In the past I have operated tractors with drum brakes lasting over 350,000 miles. My current coach, built on a class 8 (tractor trailer) cab, has industry standard air operated, s-cam drum brakes that stop the coach well. I do need to mention that my last rear engine coach had air operated disc brakes. The coach did stop well; maybe a bit better than my current coach however, at 60,000 miles the front pads appeared to be wearing thin. When I discussed the cost of replacing the rotors and pads I had problems finding parts and when I did they were very expensive. I sold the coach before replacing the brakes.
As to the previous post regarding wedge actuated air brakes, I found wedge brakes to be smooth operating, but a pain in the neck to adjust. Have they become easier to adjust in the past years, or better yet are they now automatically adjusting? I hope so.