This is what the FCC web site provides as specs for the 2013 Palazzo brakes. FCC list each model and nameplate separately and you can not just look at the general specification page. I can not say what Thor does and believe the OP has no case except goodwill that may be offered.
Brakes Full air brakes with auto slack adjusters and ABS
Front Service 15 x 4 drum style brakes s-cam
Rear Service 16.5 x 7 in drum-style s-cam
Parking 16.5 x 7 in drum-style s-cam Spring applied air release
clearly states drums all around. even the 14 do not have disc and they all have I beam ft axles rather than IFS, rear radiator rather then side radiator and only 6.7 L engine. looks like FCC least expensive pusher chassis but can be very serviceable and reliable