Well Sir, it's your radiator so, you can clean it and the CAC in whatever fashion you deem necessary. As you can read, there are folks that have cleaned them with pressure washers and, no one's died. The radiators are still in the coach and not blown away. So much of working on a coach is common sense.
You say you've sprayed "gunk" all over your toad and other places? Well, one thing you really need to make sure of is, that you have the CORRECT amount oil in your engine. You see, there's different versions of oil pans for many of the CATs. A very large percentage of the motor homes with the 300, 330 and 350 HP CATs, use the smaller, shallower pans. Those pans/engines, are to have no more than 19 quarts installed, and that's with a new filter.
The larger pans take 22 quarts. If you have more than the required 19 quarts and, yours is a 19 quart pan, than CAT states that, you will have excessive blow-by and, it will spit out way more oil/fumes/mist from the blow by tube. And, once you've determined that no more than the 19 quarts is in there, then a mark on the dip stick is needed to show the max level.
There's many of us that have had to remark our dip sticks due to improper marking from the factory and other reasons.
The "CAT" techs you talked to about extending your blow-by tube sound absolutely clueless. The entire planet knows they have to be extended and, as has been stated, even Freightliner has kits for this issue. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to extend it. It's hose for Christs sake. Get some PVC or, whatever will fit, and a bit more of the same size hose to make it all work together and, extend it to a point beyond the radiator bottom or, like I did, all the way to the rear bottom of the coach.
Now, none of those fumes ever see my CAC and or Radiator. Another thing, cleaning those fins with a garden hose and, being effective, is all about how bad it was when anyone used that method. As I stated in my previous post, ours was seriously bad. If I wimped out and didn't use a pressure washer, I would have been there for a year with measly garden hose.
Yes, you can use a garden hose if your fins are barely dirty and have a bit of dust/oil on them. But, not if they look like the pics below. And, yes, like another poster stated, just be careful. Again, common sense is the name of the game here. So, in the end, make sure you have the correct amount of oil, get that hose extended and, clean your radiator appropriately. Good luck.
PS. Sorry, the pics won't post due to the I-net connect used at present.