Forum Discussion

DesertDwellers's avatar
Mar 11, 2014

pre and post trip checklist

Today was supposed to be pickup day of our very first RV, but when the stairs didn't fully retract when the door closed, (and their solution of spraying them with WD40 didn't work...) we left the coach at the dealer for a more thorough repair :) We're a bit disappointed, but weren't planning on hitting the road tonight, so we'll deal with it!

The delivery person was very helpful and informative while showing us what all the buttons/knobs/valves do. I took notes, but since we didn't bring the coach home, most of it doesn't make sense without something to actually look at.

I'm organizing our papers, and have a handful of file folders going. My ultimate goal is to have a pre and post trip checklist that will be laminated and kept in the coach. And just like a pilot does a preflight walk around, I'd like us to get in the habit of doing that each and every time we travel with our RV.

Here are some things I've thought of, and would love to get forum suggestions of things to add. Some of these are very basic, and very common sense, but I'd hate to damage something because I "forgot to check it". Some may not be needed each time (no power/water if dry camping

Pre trip or before hitting the road:
Leveler up, pick up leveling blocks (if used)
awnings up and secured
slides in (move drivers seat forward first)
disconnect from electric and water sources
stairs up
Dealer said to never travel with propane frig turned on.
chock wheels
If dry camping, fill water holds before leaving
check propane supply

once arrived at camp site:
level coach
connect to water, electric and cable (if available)
fill fresh water hold.
Turn frig on
Turn water heater on
Slides out

Post trip:
empty all water holds (black first, then gray to clear hose, then fresh)
clean frig and empty ice maker (do we leave it open?)
Lock all storage bays
Pull curtains and shades
Engage emergency brake
Hit battery kill switch before locking unit

Someone mentioned to us to never leave the black tank empty. At the end of trip, after dumping, refill 1/3 of the way, and add the water treatment. Good idea or no? Dealer told us today that after dumping, fill black water 1/3 way and drive around a bit (or refill before leaving camp) to let it slosh around a bit to keep sensors clean.

I read (yeah a bit on the OCD side) to keep a log book or travel journal to make note of what you *didn't* have, and pretty soon you have your own personal travel list. Great idea! Plus you document good (or bad) camp locations, contact info of folks you'd like to stay in touch with (gotta love Facebook!) and tips/hints you've discovered.
