Goldencrazy wrote:
The concept of tires freezing is rare. For that to happen you must be parked in puddles of water and still it is hard to believe you don't get unstuck quickly with a little power. All winter we drive and warm our tires and park and melt the ice and by morning it has refrozen and our cars are not stuck to the pavement. Is it possible you are pulling our leg?
Had it happen to me with a pickup truck in Fernley, Nevada. Parked in front of a friends house overnight, temp went to about 15 below 0.
Came out in the morning, couldn't move.
At first I thought my transmission was bad but then noticed the water that ran off off tires from the previous days trip from California had frozen to the ground.
Finally just kept pouring the power to it and broke free.
So it can happen.
Same trip we went to Lake Tahoe. Minus 20 there. Starter froze out by the lake. Had to go buy a small hand torch and lay under the truck and heat the starter.
Had called AAA but they were swamped and they couldn't help me. AAA reimbursed me for the torch.