Forum Discussion

Jun 24, 2014

problem with right front turn signal

I have a 2003 Tiffin Allegro Bus, when you turn on the head lights the right signal light... lights up on the dash , even without pulling up the blinker arm, but not on the outside. If you do pull up the signal to activate the right turn signal the bulb just stays lite but doesnt blink, however is lite on the outside, just not blinking.

When the lights are off the signal works as it is suppose to.

Is the a double element bulb which could cause this...just asking. Have not had a chance to carry it to a repair location...anyone with a suggestion I would appreciate it.
  • Having a similar problem, only with the left light. Thought I'd found the problem with some bad wiring, but just had it do it again. My problem is it doesn't happen every time I drive the rig.
  • enblethen wrote:
    Lamp outage indicator. Some where on that side is a lamp out. Could be side marker, turn signal or taillight.

    Ditto that was my same problem exactly!
  • Lamp outage indicator. Some where on that side is a lamp out. Could be side marker, turn signal or taillight.
  • if not the bulb you have a ground problem to check it use a 12 volt test light ground one end of it use the probe on brass part of bulb turn on parking lights if test light lights up you have a ground problem check ground wire the same way if it doesn't light up you have a bad socket
  • If the directional light bulb is in the same housing as the headlight bulb you could have a ground problem.
  • Put a new bulb in. Sometimes when they go bad the filament shorts to the other filament which seems like what is happening with your situation