Forum Discussion

Jim's avatar
Apr 24, 2016

Quick question on slides...

Had to park on a slight incline...nose up. Dropped the jacks and leveled as best I could. Extended the LR slide. Except for the slight droop downhill in the LR, all seems normal. The rubbers did protest a little more than normal when I extended but I thought that might be due to the low humidity. No grinding or metal on metal scraping noise when I extended.

I opened the basement compartment that comes out with the slide (under the table and chairs towards the rear of the LR) and found the rearmost gas strut was detached from it's bracket?
Inspecting the ball joint and bracket assembly I see it's bent almost 90°. WTH?

I do vaguely remember a loud snap or pop when I was setting up so perhaps that's when it caught on the frame...though I cannot find any damage corresponding to that bracket on the chassis frame. I bent it back into position so it's working OK, but here's my question:

Assuming that the damage is because the RV isn't perfectly level front to back, and the bracket caught on the chassis because of that, how do I avoid further damage when I leave this spot tomorrow?

1) Can I pull the slide in to within 2" say, drive the 100 feet necessary to find a flat spot in this neighborhood and then bring it all the way in? (My users guide doesn't mention if that's even possible except it does have a procedure to follow that talks about driving with a slide extended).

2) Just go for broke and pull it all the way in before moving the rig?

Any suggestions?

'02 Winnebago Journey DL - DSDP. My first expirience with slides.
  • Jim@HiTek wrote:
    With the help of a couple neighbors both watching and listening outside the RV for me, I tried several times to get the slide retracted but it seemed to want to jamb into the LR ceiling. No odd noises noticed. Didn't seem to retract crooked or anything though.

    Finally got a brainstorm and figured that the slide could be helped by lowering the opposite side of the RV and raising the slide side.

    So that's what I did. After extending the slide side jacks, and lowering the opposite sides jacks, the slide came in without a problem. Seemed to have plenty of space between the top of the slide and the ceiling.

    So now I'll do that every time I'm not completely level and need to retract the slide. I've been traveling the last several days to several different RV parks, and only felt the need to do that once so far, and again, worked great, slide came in without a hitch.

    Hmm so adjusting the level (out of level) on one side "fixes" the alignment on the slide... I'm concerned through time this may become more and more out of whack. I mean it may work indefinitely - who knows? How far are you having to adjust the side out of level to get it in?
  • With the help of a couple neighbors both watching and listening outside the RV for me, I tried several times to get the slide retracted but it seemed to want to jamb into the LR ceiling. No odd noises noticed. Didn't seem to retract crooked or anything though.

    Finally got a brainstorm and figured that the slide could be helped by lowering the opposite side of the RV and raising the slide side.

    So that's what I did. After extending the slide side jacks, and lowering the opposite sides jacks, the slide came in without a problem. Seemed to have plenty of space between the top of the slide and the ceiling.

    So now I'll do that every time I'm not completely level and need to retract the slide. I've been traveling the last several days to several different RV parks, and only felt the need to do that once so far, and again, worked great, slide came in without a hitch.
  • Thanks for the laugh; I think on here, the "D" stands for Dear. Good luck with the slide and the brother.
  • Oh, good thinking. Don't have a DW, but do have a DB (dumb brother) who could do that for me. I don't often think of finding help after 12 years of full timing alone.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll do exactly that.
  • How about having your DW operate the slide switch while you stand outside and watch it and listen for any straining or hang-ups. You could also go through the manual slide retraction procedure to see if everything is clear and operating without a problem.