BOBBO---The Home of Hard Work and Innovation.
At Winnebago Industries, items such as furniture, holding tanks, bumpers, and galley cabinets are literally "built from scratch" in our own facilities. We start with raw materials such as billets of aluminum, bulk dimension lumber, and pellets or sheets of plastic and end with finished products. Winnebago Industries operates what are clearly the largest and most sophisticated recreation vehicle (RV) production facilities in the world. Producing so much ourselves results in many benefits for owners of Winnebago Industries’ products. First of all, there is QUALITY. Since so much of each motorhome and travel trailer is made by Winnebago Industries in the heartland of the U.S.A., we can easily set and maintain the strictest quality controls possible. Also, doing it ourselves allows us to design to our needs and not use some off-the-shelf item designed for another use. Making it ourselves also gives faster turnaround on improvements and new designs. And, there’s the advantage of availability of replacement parts. Dies and molds are kept on hand. So, if you need a holding tank 10 years from now, you can get one. The tank was made by us, not by someone else who has long since gone out of business or shifted production.