Forum Discussion

mikestock's avatar
Aug 13, 2015

Remove air admittance valve

The air admittance in our Phaeton is located behind the washer/dryer. I have replaced it with a new, more expensive valve but I still get a slight unpleasant odot emitted from there. I know the trap for the washing machine drain can possibly be losing its water when I travel but I don't think it is happening, because I have run the washer for a couple of minutes to make sure it gets water. I don't think it mattered. We are very careful with dishwashing and try to make sure no food particles get down the galley drain. I even added Cascade to a 1/4 tank of clean water and drove with it a couple of houre to clean tank walls.

What I am considering is drilling straight up through the roof and adding a standard roof vent to eliminate the air admittance valve. The should be no wirund in this area but that's no guarantee. Just wondering it anyone else has taken a similar step to eliminate the air admittance valve.
  • You probably have 3 AAVs
    The one on washer drain line
    One under kitchen sink on drain line
    And one under bathroom sink on drain line

    Also shower drain 'P' trap can loose water while traveling as with any f the sink 'P' traps
  • If your AAV is working, you should not get any odors from it what-so-ever. Before going to all the effort to reroute the vent, I'd spend the money for one more AAV. I'd suggest this one:

    Studor Mini-Vent

    I replaced a defective AAV in our rig with one of these, and it has worked flawlessly.

    I would not risk cutting a wire in the roof. It would be very difficult to repair if you did.
