lfeather wrote:
Anyone know if the Onan HDKAK diesel generator fault codes are stored/retrievable? Or do you have to stand there and watch the light waiting for it to shut down. Mine is stopping after a few hours. On restart it may shut down in a few minutes, or run for another hour or so. Coolant level is good, belt is ok, oil level is good. TIA for any help.
If it's stopping for a specified reason, on a regular basis, other than it's out of fuel, then there will be a "code", represented by the blinking LED in the rocker switch. And, it's very simple to "decifer" the code. All you do is, when the Gen stops, watch the switch. Count the first set of "blinks", then there will be a short pause, then, there will be a second set of blinks.
It will do the process all over again, after the second set of blinks. When mine had it's problem, which, is a very common problem with 7.5 units, it blinked three times, paused, blinked three times again. Then a long pause and, three again followed by a short pause and three again.
Therefore, the code is, "33". In the year model of mine, code 33 is listed as an "over heat" condition. And, in the trouble shooting section of the manual, they give a list of what possible causes there are for the "Over heat" condition. In the end, it was none of their listed causes. It was a very normal cause for that code. And that cause was a faulty temp sensor/sender. It's located on the bottom side of the thermostat housing.
Anyway, just count the blinks and make sure you wait for the pause. There are some that say the first set of blinks is a primary so, it has to be reset and then, you'll get a second set but, I watched mine several times and, it was always the same report.