dicknellen wrote:
KristinU wrote:
Winnebago (though the Minnie Winnie 2013's had rubber roofs for a short period of production), Nexus, Lazy Daze, Phoenix Cruiser, Coach House...who am I forgetting?
I don't know of any Winnebagos including Minnie Winnie that have had a rubber roof. I have had 3 Minnie Winnies and all have had fiberglass roof. Dick
I take that back, it was the 2014 model year when they stopped the Access and re-introduced the Minnie Winnie. They went with a rubber roof for a short while and then switched back to fiberglass. When we bought ours in 2013 the sales guy had recently been to a conference in Forest City and was told that they would be coming back out with the Minnie Winnie and would be using a rubber roof. That seemed like crazy talk and we figured he just didn't know what he was talking about. Then when we toyed with trading ours in for a new one last year, lo and behold one of the ones we looked at on a dealer lot had a rubber roof. That's when I did some poking around and learned that he was right, but that they changed back pretty quickly.