Forum Discussion

Janss's avatar
Explorer II
May 15, 2018

Running generator and a/c while driving

For those that run their generator and rooftop (or basement) air conditioner while driving....
What do you do when you stop for gas? Seems it might be a danger to leave a generator running while filling up. Do you stop just short of the gas pump for a minute and turn things off? If so, what about letting the generator run for 5 minutes after turning off the load? Then after gassing up do you just try to find a place to stop and turn things back on?
  • Thank you all for your good advice! I do have a generator switch on the dash. My spouse is disabled and unable to get up and walk to the rear to turn on/off the a/c while I am driving. I will mind all the advice and follow it however I can.
  • Turn off AC then the gen 5 minutes before stopping for fuel.

    Leave the pump and start the gen. Turn the AC on in a few miles.

    Don't need to stop to do the gen as controls are on the dash and it runs on diesel.
  • Don’t turn gennie off before turning AC off because it is extremely hard on the generator control system.

    When plugging in to shore power turn AC off, then generator. Switching power with a load on is ver hard on the transfer switch
  • Pull up to the pump
    Turn off a/c
    Turn off generator

    Fill up

    Restart Genny
    Drive away
    Wait a few minutes start a/c

    It helps on restart if there are two people
    Avoids pulling over to have driver turn on a/c

    For us there pulling over for fuel often coresponds
    To meal Time
  • Okay, I guess I was hung up about the cool down/warm up of the generator. Not that big of a deal if I don't wait the 5 minutes once in awhile, eh?

    Sam Spade...Usually we do just run the dash a/c, but it is not blowing cold. That's a whole other story for which I have an earlier thread. Three shops have not been able to find the freon leak. Still working on it.
  • IF....the only (two) passengers are riding in the front cabin seats....then I seen no need to do that in the first place. If the chassis A/C can't keep the driver and passenger comfortable it might not be working right.

    But yes, if you MUST have additional cooling, what you said is correct. OFF before fueling and back on after. No real need for a "cool down" more than 30 seconds or so. While going down the highway, it should have PLENTY of cooling air flow.
  • i usually power it off just before we get to the pumps but sometimes i forget and it stays running. if i’ve powered it off i’ll power it back on after pulling away.