CA Traveler wrote:
usersmanual wrote:
2 accounts are required if TV is being used at home and the RV at the same time
how do u figure? all you do is call dish and activate a new receiver? they have no idea where the receiver is located
It's part of the service agreement so do as you wish and none may be the wiser.
3 possible complications:
DTV or Dish comes to the house and not all of the receivers are there.
You change the RV locals and the house locals no longer work.
For DTV Genie users there is one and only one receiver and the clients won't work w/o the receiver (additional receivers will work). Maybe similar for Dish Hopper?
dish aint never coming to your house to count receivers LOL at that ideal
My point was based on that your either at home in your house or your away in the MH so who cares about the local thing
Dish uses the joey system works in Mh or your house what my friend has in his MH
He shuts it down when in the house and just uses regular cable cause hes back in canuk land