Forum Discussion

len_barron's avatar
May 23, 2013

Safari Trek or Georgie Boy Landau

I'm shopping for a 10yr old short (24-25ft) class A. I've looked at most of the offerings and have narrowed my interest to the Safari Trek 2480 and the GB Landau 2450ds. The Trek seems to have a higher quality interior build out and uses the "magic bed" to allow for greater living space. The GB has two slideouts and a conventional rear bedroom. Both are 8.1/allison/workhorse chassis.
It's just myself and my girlfriend, mostly will be used on 10-15day outtings from SoCal to Utah/Colorado/Montana etc...will be using a cycle carrier to haul our two scooters.
Anything in particular advantagous about one config or the other? Am I missing another good make/model in that size? Are the Rexhall Clippers good rigs?
Oceanside, CA.
  • Just as a follow up on my research (I still haven't found a coach and I'm still actively shopping) but the above post that notes that on the P32 chassis you don't get the Allison Trans is absolutely correct you have to get to the W series to get that combo. Lots of 8.1L/4l85e combos out there in the short length in the early 2000's. Have my sites focused in on 2003-2004 GB Landau 2450ds or Safari Trek 2630 or Rexhall Clipper/Vision 24-26ft.
  • I registered on the Trek Tracks forum as well.
    I'm pretty sure the 2002 and up Treks are the "wide body" workhorse chassis and are 8.1/allisons.
    Still need to nail down the GB specifics on that but I know the 8.1 started with them in 2002. The 25ft units are short enough that the ratio is pretty good, the 28ft and 30ft units start to suffer more on that I think.
    I'm leaning toward the GB, the extra room with the slide outs is hard to beat in the short length.
  • We have a 2003 Trek. If you can live with the magic bed, you will love the Trek. If you can't live with the bed, you won't like it. We like the roominess, big bathroom, living space, and ability to get into state park and USFS campgrounds. We like having the living space of a 38 foot coach in a 29 foot package. It doesn't make sense to us to tow 8-10 feet of bedroom around that you use only 8 hours a day.

    Check out Trek Tracks forum for all kinds of info and brochures on Treks.
  • Hi,

    I can't give you much help with choosing. We do have Georgie Boy Cruise Master and the build quality isn't that great, but can't attest to the other unit you're looking at. But if you notice the Trek has a better build quality, then I'd definitely keep that in mind.

    I would make one suggestion. Make sure these are on the W series Workhorse chassis's and not the P series. Many of the shorter A's were put on the P series, and I don't believe they had the Allison transmission. Many people, on these older units, see "Workhorse" and assume 8.1L/Allison, but that isn't necessarily the case, especially in the early 2000's.

    Also, the check the wheelbase to overall length ratio. It's generally suggested that this ratio be about 54% or higher for a stable driving experience. Many of the smaller A's are built on a chassis with a short wheelbase and therefore have a low ratio. This correlates to a longer rear over-hang which tends to increase the chance of handling problems. (Generally, the storage tanks & fuel tank(s) are all behind the rear axle which puts an extra percentage of the total weight behind the rear axle. Think "see-saw".)

    So whatever rig you start getting serious about, take it out on a several different types of roads and notice how it handles.

    Good Luck,

  • yes the MB set up has been a concern of mine, while it really opens up the living space during the day I can see how limiting it would be when it's down.
    The Rexhall American Clipper is a close third in my search, it doesn't have slides and is a conventional rear bedroom so it would be the tightest of the group, they also seem to be alot harder to find in the workhorse chassis config.
    Thanks for the input!
  • Hi--think long and hard about that Majicbed set up. DW and I wanted a Trek for a long time and we finally bought in 2000. We full-time and while the Trek was wonderful in every way, the sleeping arrangement finally got on our nerves. If you both go to bed and get up at the same time, its great. But once that bed is down, you have the kitchen area and the bath, that it until the other person gets up. Good luck trying to be quiet or keep the food smells to yourself while your partner sleeps. We finally sold for the conventional setup with a separate bedroom/sleeping area. Good luck in your search
  • ive researched the Rexhalls and found that they are topnotch and made very well.Don't know about their driving, power, etc.. all that techno stuff but the consensus of opinion is that they are well made. I had never heard of them until i saw one for sale down in the hill country town of MaSON, tx. and i looked it up. I sure wish i coulda bought that one as it had a great layout inside and was short enough ...i don't want a long one either. oh well,, it just wasn't the right timing for us. GOod luck!
  • First off you will love the 8.1 Vortec and Allison tranny. I have the 8.1 in my Class C, but the the Allison. More power then you will need. Before we bought our 03 Chateau I test drove a 96 Trek and loved the way it handled and drove down the road, quality construction, nice room. We choose not to get it because it was overpriced, needed some work, and was older then the one we bought. I think if you really look at the GB with slides that would be the way to go. More room for those days the weather isn't good.