Forum Discussion

Bigdog's avatar
Jul 22, 2014

Scan Guage D

Am thinking about buying a scan guage D for my "01 Tradewinds LTC with the 3126B Cat 330hp turbo and am wondering what all it's gonna be able to tell me. Does the computer actually read all the things that the Sacn Guage folks say it does,like turbo boost,mpg, temps,etc?
Also where does it plug in and what does the plug look like. I've been driving a school bus and charter for a number of years now and only had the guages to rely on and not an active computer.
Another thing,can I plug it into my Tab 2 so that I can have a larger read?
  • Got one in my Forza ad love it. It plugs into the diesel version of the OBD connector. My connector is round and under the dash next to the steering column. There is also another connector in the back next to the radiator. The amount and accuracy of the data depends on how many codes the engine computer supports. The older the engine, the fewer codes it supplies data for.
    One down side is that it only supports 4 'guages' at a time. However, 2 units can be daisy-chained so you can read 8 'guages' if you wish.
    Don't think you can attach it to any display device.
    There are apps available for smart phones and tablets that do similar things. I have used one called Torque. Some use a OBD to bluetooth dongle for the connection. You can also lookup a product called Silverlight. A lot of folks like it.
    Good Luck!
  • If it is anything like the II for gas engines you will love it. We keep ours in the vehicle that is throwing codes at the time.
  • Mine plugged in right under the steering wheel - the same place a mechanic would plug in a gauge to read trouble codes. It comes with two plug-in adapters.

    I find it very useful in the mountains, especially when it's hot out. It allows you watch your transmission, water, oil, air intake, etc temps exactly.

    The only thing that I think is hokey on it is when it tells me I'm getting 30 - 40 MPG in a 40' DP!!! But the fuel usage gauge is useful to remind you to get your foot out of it when there's no need for it.

    I think it's the best thing going considering it only costs $149.

    You can go to their web site and download the user's manual to see all of the functions and how it works.
