Billy...I wasn't trying to leave you hanging regarding the short coach. There are many NEW models out right now like the Thor Palazzo and Tiffins that come in a short wheelbase. The difference.....those units are designed on a shorter chassis with a smaller motor. They're actually a downsized diesel.
The older coaches you're looking at, are full size chassis/coaches that they chopped the frame down shorter. There was a Country Coach model that was very short and a lot of effort was used to actually design a good handling coach. Those coaches are very hard to find as they're older and few were made.
Monaco used a few different chassis'. They were all made by Monaco and called the Roadmaster chassis. The Roadmaster chassis was a great chassis and is what made Monaco a great coach. Their low end chassis was a 4 air bag chassis (R4R), just like most other brands. One of the things that Monaco did was mount their airbags outside the frame, rather over the frame like everyone else does. This made them handle better.
As you stepped up in the Monaco line, they made the RR8R Roadmaster chassis. It had 2 airbags at every wheel. They were a much better riding chassis. Their top of the line added more air bags to the tag axle and a larger bag up front for a softer ride.
Our friends bought a 2007 Cayman (Holliday Rambler-Monaco product- Knight equivalent). It had the four airbag system and was 37' long. It was so rough riding, that it would knock the clothing off the rack in the closet. I installed new Koni shocks, adjusted tire pressure and made sure the ride height was set properly. It still rode rough.
After Monaco went out of business, a small group of employees began making aftermarket products for Monaco coaches. One of their products was to create a ride improvement kit for the 4 airbag coaches (R4R). The cost was about $4K and included new airbags and shocks. Many said it was an improvement, but still a rough riding coach.
I primarily posted on your thread because you stated your wife has a bad back. I didn't want you to get stuck with a rough riding coach. In later years, Monaco upgraded the Knight to an 8 airbag system. It had all the features of the Monaco Diplomat, except the big engine.
As you look, you'll have a hard time finding older shorter coaches. People just were not interested in them and they rode poorly. Not until recently did they improve the ride in short DP's.