Forum Discussion

supercub's avatar
Feb 21, 2014

State's visited map?

Where do you buy one of those maps of the United States that you fill in the state once you've visited it. I've seen them on several RV's, but have yet to find a place to buy them. Thanks
  • The mileage would be the give-away. Besides, we have been in all lower states
    of the U.S. and have never abused our MH. We maintain it very well, and
    we also full-time. As of this date, we have 48,000+ miles on our 2005
    GeorgieBoy Pursuit II.
  • You don't want to affix it to your RV in case you want to sell it. It just shows how much abuse the rig has gotten over the years. Keep it on a board that can be moved around.
  • ArchHoagland wrote:
    Bought ours at Camping World.

    Wow!....I see you've been almost everywhere!...good job!
  • Ok, thanks, I thought I had looked at camping world, but will check again, thanks again.
  • If you have a color printer you can make your own. Mark the States Visited here and it will generate the map. They also include instructions on how to save that map so you can print it. Then get some transparent sticky sheets from an office supply store (Office Max, Office Depot) and print your map. If you reverse the image before you print it you'll have something you can place on the inside of a window.