Just be aware that the glue they use AND the composition of the tile itself for some of these stick on tiles is extremely toxic.
Some are worse than others. If anyone in your family has children, pets, allergies or asthma do not use them in the small confines of a MH. Also the fumes have been known to harm dogs even death. Basically the toxic fumes are dangerous to everyone whether they have an aliment or not.
I bought a box of them to do the kitchen area in my MH. I had them sitting in my garage and the smell permeated the whole area and after just one day the fumes filled the garage and I started having asthma attacks jusst from walking thru there.
And that was from the tiles still 'inside the box' they come in, in a huge 3 car garage! They went right in the trash and I was REAL glad I did not install them in the MH.:R
You can look for this info on the box before you buy them.
""Flooring adhesives will usually state a VOC% on their label. This stands for the percentage of volatile organic compounds in the adhesive, ""
I would definitely find ones that had low or no VOC's if installing in an RV.