Forum Discussion

threedogmom's avatar
Jan 23, 2014

Storage compartments in Class C

I hope this is ok to ask here. We have looked at quite a few Class C motorhomes recently. One that we like has almost no storage underneath. Are there any good, reliable Class C motorhomes with a decent amount of storage? If so, what make & model?

  • Handbasket wrote:
    Bear in mind that weight may be the limit on some C's, especially ones with longer rear overhangs. There may be plenty of volume, but rear axle or total allowable weights may keep you from using all of it. Even some short RV's are weight-challenged.

    Jim, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, what the flamin' heck happened?"

    Especially true with Sprinter models. I'd check the CCC/OCCC, and usually it might be around 1000 pounds or so. Fords tend to be better, but even those, it is a good idea to check weights.
  • Handbasket wrote:
    Bear in mind that weight may be the limit on some C's, especially ones with longer rear overhangs. There may be plenty of volume, but rear axle or total allowable weights may keep you from using all of it. Even some short RV's are weight-challenged.

    Jim, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, what the flamin' heck happened?"

  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    OldRadios wrote:

    Just picked up a new to us Fleetwood 27' 26Q. Most 26Q layouts have a large storage compartment under the back that goes all the way across. Ours has three hatches. The floor of it is a series of small tables with compartments under them also. This storage area was one of the things that made us decide on this layout.
    My 29' Forester has a large pass through like that and a low wide bin, maybe 1'X4" driver side front, rest of the sides are taken up by Battery compartment, propane tank, & generator.
  • Our 2011 Coachmen Concord has lots of storage in the back accessible from three sides! We love it! Our model only has 1 slide, no bedroom slide which allows for more storage in back. It also has storage bays on both sides all across the coach. It's almost 33 feet long.


  • Just picked up a new to us Fleetwood 27' 26Q. Most 26Q layouts have a large storage compartment under the back that goes all the way across. Ours has three hatches. The floor of it is a series of small tables with compartments under them also. This storage area was one of the things that made us decide on this layout.
  • Bear in mind that weight may be the limit on some C's, especially ones with longer rear overhangs. There may be plenty of volume, but rear axle or total allowable weights may keep you from using all of it. Even some short RV's are weight-challenged.

    Jim, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, what the flamin' heck happened?"
  • Check out the Nexus Ghost...more a Super C but good storage for sure...
  • Threedogmom,

    Generally the longer the Class C the more storage. I have a 23C with almost no under storage and now wished I had more. Not sure if one brand will have more over another, but if you need more storage make sure you get it sooner rather than sorry later.

    Hope this helps.

  • This varies quite immensely. For example, I've been looking at shorter, 21-24 foot models. Usually they will have a corner queen bed. This means that under the bed is a fairly large chunk of storage, likely accessible from curb side, perhaps the back. Some might have a little bit of storage extend to the road side.

    In general, the longer the "C", the more storage is generally available. If it is on a Sprinter chassis, in general, expect less storage than an E-350/E-450 chassis.