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captron33's avatar
Jul 02, 2018

Suburban water heater

2006 was travel supreme with dual gas/ electric 10 gallon water heater.....will not heat on gas or electric. Sounds like a common part, anyone know what its called.
  • Crabbypatty wrote:
    I found that mine blows that little 3 amp fuse. Press the switch dead nothing. Now I carry spare fuses.

    What good does carrying spare fuses do if it blows fuses?
    Find/fix DC shorting issue
  • I found that mine blows that little 3 amp fuse. Press the switch dead nothing. Now I carry spare fuses.
  • Dang Old-Buscuit that is the way to throw it out there..Good hear someone who has a lot more smarts than me
  • Suburban does NOT use a thermal no need to look/check it

    Suburban does use separate systems for electric and propane UNLESS model is a 'DEL'
    That model uses a COMMON DC circuit for both electric and propane (similar to Atwood design but different)

    So if you Suburban WH is a 'DEL' model then verify you have DC to On/Off Switches

    Check that the High temp t-stats are reset (Push To Reset cover above gas valve)
    Left side AC--right side DC/propane

    Otherwise post model and more info on what it does/doesn't do
    IE: sparks but no flame, flame but doesn't stay lit, AC circuit breaker trips, No AC Voltage at element etc
  • captron33 wrote:
    Well nohelp yet!

    Supply more information to get better replies. What have you tried/look/checked?
  • Could be your Thermal Fuse. If it's open circuit, and they fail due to old age, it will cause a 'no operation' and perhaps shut off power to your electric element too through a relay.

    It's easily spotted as it's inside a piece of black tubing with a kink in it that's in a wire leading to the control module. Right inside the WH cabinet just under the outside panel. The fuse is 1/8" in diameter and 1/2" long. You can remove it and short out the wire ends to test by making a short jumper. Or test the fuse with an ohmmeter.
  • Does the flame try to light. can you hear the spark popping? Is the ground fault plug popped..Need some more info!!!
  • Could be a number of things. Unless you start checking stuff it's all a guess.
  • Gas heat and electric heat are two totally separate systems which do not depend on each other at all.