Forum Discussion

KevinE's avatar
Oct 26, 2015

Turn Signal issue on Holiday Rambler

I went to go out this past weekend when I had an issue with the turn signal on our coach. When I parked it 2 weeks ago, all was fine. When I went to pull out of the driveway I pulled the headlights on. When I turned them on, the left turn signal indicator in the dash came on. I tried turning the left turn signal on, but the actual lights just came on solid with no flash. The right side worked fine. When I turned the headlights off, the left side worked correctly. When I started driving with the headlights on, after a few miles the indicator light on the dash went off and the turn signal worked correctly. It came on and off as I drove. I'm suspecting that its a bad ground somewhere, but I'm not sure. Was wondering if any other folks have had something similar. It is an 02 Holiday Rambler Endeavor diesel on the Roadmaster chassis. Thanks in advance!
  • KevinE wrote:
    UPDATE: The harness leading to the turn signal was buried in the foam insulation in the corner. Once I dug through it, I found the connector was loose. Cleaned it up and reconnected it and secured the wire, problem solved. I think after it was on for a little, the ground heated up and started looking for a better ground somewhere. Thanks for the advise!

    Good so hear that you got the problem solved, with good advice. Interment problems are very hard to find and solve. Thanks for getting back about the answer.
  • UPDATE: The harness leading to the turn signal was buried in the foam insulation in the corner. Once I dug through it, I found the connector was loose. Cleaned it up and reconnected it and secured the wire, problem solved. I think after it was on for a little, the ground heated up and started looking for a better ground somewhere. Thanks for the advise!
  • It really sounds like a bad ground. Power is back feeding through the other bulbs on that circuit. Have seen similar issues many times on all types of vehicles.
  • Before you go too crazy, follow "enblethen's" advice. Often just a bulb is out and it's a way of notifying you.
  • It is a bad ground for sure..could be at the headlights or the tail lights. If it happens again, you need to visually inspect your lights for one that may be dim. If it was the headlight ground, they would be noticeably dimmer but you didn't mention anything about 2 cents thinks it is in the tail lights.
  • Also check the bulb socket itself, almost sounds like the double contacts under the bulb are shorting or if the bulb itself melted at the base and is shorting with the parking light side of it.