Now come on guys, wallets are thin now - no one carries thick wads of cash, as we have our little slips of plastic. Well, unless shopping at Target (Yeah, a cheap shot, as it is could have been any chain store that was attacked.)
I broke the ball joint off of my femur four years ago (don't bounce like I used to:)!). After the DOC placed three roofing nails in the bone to hold it together, I'm really doing great. Except my sac on the side of my hip ruptured, and I now have bursitis. If find that sitting in one position for long times, really seems to get uncomfortable.
I use the combination mentioned above, of changing sitting positions, often. I also, when safe, do use the Cruise Control, and then have a routine that I do to move my legs around. Keeps things flowing well, and also seems to help on the hips comfort level. The first thing I do before sitting down to drive the RV, is place my wallet in the overhead above the drivers seat. I have not yet tried any of the smaller foams or rolled up towels trick yet, as I have not felt I needed them. But, I will keep them in mind as the years go by:)!
And we usually consider a long stretch without stopping to be about 4 hours. Get the dog outside, I like to walk around the rig and check things, and just do some stretching. Though I will say that was pre-retirement mode, when we were 'going to or coming home' on short vacations. As we learn how to be retired, we will try to cut max driving days to 4-5 hours, or less if we see something we want to stop and check out on the way:)!
Best of luck to you, be safe, and keep having fun!