Forum Discussion

6ofus's avatar
Jul 29, 2018

Went to an RV Show Yesterday

Hello all

I have two questions for you today ??

Went to an RV show yesterday to specifically sit in and get a feel for the Sunseeker 3010ds. It’s an awesome floorplan both with the slides open and closed and would fit our family beautifully. We also came upon a Coachmen Leprechaun 319mb. Loved the outdoor kitchen set up but I wasn’t a fan of the TV on the counter. My hubby didn't mind the TV on the counter. Anyone have any experience with these models good or bad? I know they are both made by the same company but have read that Coachmen are made poorly. As a side note, we will not be buying a new model and are looking at a used unit, 2 to 3 years old.

Also, I know that generators have the ability to have an automatic start in the event the power goes out. I asked the sales guy if that was an option for the Sunseeker and he said no, they cannot add that feature while the sales guy for the Leprechaun said yes, they could add that. Are there only certain models that would have the capability of adding this feature?

Thanks for reading and any input you can give. We are still researching….one step at a time!;)