dougrainer wrote:
I have never seen a OBD-2 connector for a Class-A Motorhome aftermarket AC system. Usually, that sensor is a Hi Pressure sensor and shuts down the compressor power when your Coolant(134a)level gets way low or you lose the 134a. Is this the part you are talking about? Doug
Yes! This is the sensor I wasn't expecting as part of the compressor replacement. I wish I had known about this before and I would have bought a new sensor at the same time. Fortunately I am not pressed for time so will order a new one.
Another question, the new compressor came with 2 freon line washers. One washer is thick and one is thin. Odd because disassembling the original its washers are both thin. Anyone know where the thick and thin are supposed to go, or where to look, on the suction or on the discharge? Or did the box have the wrong washers in it? These are shown in the pictorial in the link above but visibly appear to be the same. Thanks