Forum Discussion

phoenix_bears's avatar
Aug 30, 2013

Winnebago wiring, 2004 Vectra 40AD

I am trying to trace the wiring for the puck lights in the living area. There are 4 on the driver side & 3 on curb side. When the curb side lights are turned (even with all bulbs removed) the 12v breaker trips. There is a separate feed & switch for each side. Looking at the Winnebago diagrams l find both sets of lights going with some others to a multi pin connector shown as at back of linen closet, but there is nothing there. Also can't find the switches in Dia.
Does anyone have any experience to offer?
Vern, 2004 Vectra 40AD
  • For reference, here is the Winnebago Wiring Identification Guide and the Body, 12 Volt Wiring Diagram for your coach. (Btw, I find the best way to work with these diagrams is to print them out and then tape the pages together so that each 'sheet' is complete. Then it's much easier to trace the wires on the sheets with a highliter.)

    Your three right side puck lamps show up in position A-9 and A-10 on SHEET 2 (page 10 of the pdf). They get their ground connection from wire JN and power from YS. Both of those go back to a 12-pin connector at position A-14 on SHEET 2 (still page 10 of the pdf). YS is on pin 9 of the connector which is physically located INSIDE the rear wall of the linen cabinet.

    This plug this connects to is at position C-32 on SHEET 2 (page 8 of the pdf). From here YS goes to pin 8 of a 15-pin plug at position B-32 on the same sheet, physically located in the base of the cabinet behind the front right slide.

    The plug this connects to is at position C-8 on SHEET 4 (pdf page 11). From this connector YS goes to the dinette overhead light switch shown at position D-4.5 on the same sheet. Returning from that switch is wire JG which returns to pin 7 on the same 15-pin plug and then continues to the 12V breaker panel at position D-20 on SHEET 2.
  • Thank you for the quick response. I have looked at the wiring diagrams on the Winnebago site and as well have a complete set of electrical drawings I got from Winnebago in 2004 when I was at the factory, all 136 pages 11x17 printed on both sides. Having retired from an electronic position I wanted as much info for the future as possible. Unfortunately I guess I am "old school" and more familiar with schematics format. This holiday weekend I am just camping with a few TABLET & smartphone for Internet use. When I return home l will get the large pages printed as you suggested at Staples or Office Depot.
    You said one connection point is INSIDE the wall behind the linen closet, there is no access panel, why would they bury it like that? The second point is in "base of cabinet behind the right side slide". Can you give me a little more info on that location?
    Right now I am thinking that there may be a problem in one of the three puck fixtures, but won't look at them until get home. Would you have any suggestions on that?
    Thanks again, for the help.
  • phoenix.bears wrote:
    You said one connection point is INSIDE the wall behind the linen closet, there is no access panel, why would they bury it like that? The second point is in "base of cabinet behind the right side slide". Can you give me a little more info on that location?...
    Thanks again, for the help.

    Actually, I'm just reading from the diagrams. I added the 'INSIDE' because I'm assuming that they wouldn't leave the wires exposed inside a cabinet. A call to Winnebago should be able to identify how that plug might be accessed.

    The suggestion on the post above this one to start with the fixtures makes a lot of sense.

    On Edit: BTW, the diagrams print well on 8.5x11" paper which can then be taped together to form the whole sheet.