JaxDad wrote:
larry cad wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
It might just be easier to learn how to do it properly.
Even more interesting is the mode of failure. The water control valve has a threaded hole in the bottom, and there was a nylon 1/2" pipe plug in it. In the top side of the pipe plug, was a depression molded in during manufacturing. If you look at a nylon pipe plug, you will see it. Since the depression was facing up, it remained filled with a tiny bit of water during the winterizing. During the winter, it froze and cracked. When I put water into the system, it ran out the crack.
So, as suggested above, I learned how to do it properly. Properly would be to remove the wall around my shower every winter, remove the plug, empty out the tiny bit of water remaining after I use compressed air, replace the plug, and my RV is winterized.
Or, I can just use the gallon of pink stuff I always had used in the past. Even though I now know how to do it "properly"!!
You’re trying to tell us a drop of water in the depression on top of a 1/2” pipe plug froze and burst a pipe?
Water expands by 9% when it freezes. A drop of water did not expand enough to burst anything but your story.
You either used way too small a compressor (probably one with little or no tank on it) or just plain did not blow the system out properly.
I winterize both of my units using air only numerous times a year and have for 20++ years.
Think what you want. I stand by my story. I've been on this forum for about 15 years and have provided technical help to numerous members over that time. I do ALL the repairs on my diesel motorhome and have since the beginning. BTW, my word was "tiny" amount. You chose to change that to "drop". I believe I still have the plug and will search for it someday and when I find it, I will post a photo.
It was a memorable event. Happened in March. I had winterized and then set up an appointment at the American Coach factory service facility to have my windshield replaced. I drove to Decatur, arriving early evening. When I arrived, I began to put water into the system at their facility. That is when I heard water leaking behind the shower wall. I took the wall apart, found the problem (a cracked pipe plug) and found a replacement at about 8PM at O'reilys in Decatur. Continued the fill and all was good. My wife thinks I am a genius. I didn't tell her it was my fault for not knowing how to "properly" winterize.