Thanks to all the replies. I have unhooked and checked all connections and nothing seemed loose or wet. Reconnected snugly and still nothing. We just returned from a trip so I will now lube the mechanics and apply dialectic grease to the connections. I will say that the wire from the BCC to the wiper motor is pretty taught. it was installed that way and it's enough that it would/could "pull" the connections. In other words it's poor install, the wires have no real give and I have to imagine that being under constant tension it could easily separate a connection somewhere - if not in the motor itself. The wiring is fairly easy to get access to but the motor itself is in a tight spot. I had considered removing the motor to bench test it but I can't see exactly how it's attached to the body and wiper mechanics. I'll keep fussing with it but eventually I will just give up and take it to a shop. Shame the chassis is only a few mos out of warranty. Something else occurred to me that I hadn't checked the fuse, but I assumed that if the washer pump worked it's on the same fuse as the motor. Is that a correct assumption? That and it was an intermittent issue before indicating more of a wiring than a fuse where it wouldn't have worked at all. I am starting to really hate Rv's - or at least in the poor methods they assemble them.
I think there is only one bolt that attaches the arms so I will unhook that and check to see if the arms move freely and work backwards. I have read that Ford had an issue of bad switches on the stalk but I can't chase it back that far. At best I can check it back to the BCC. I am hoping I find a wiring/connection issue or a bad motor.