if anyone cares - got it fixed. Turned out to be a fuse. That's right a stupid fuse. Wasn't easy to find though as the fuse had fallen out due to loose connections. So tough to figure out a fuse is bad/missing when it isn't there and of course the manufacturer's documentation doesn't have it on the fuse map so you have no indication to actually look for it. All in it cost me $100 to in parts to isolate the issue which isn't too bad, but it took 4 days. Good thing I don't pay myself for my time. But it speaks volumes about Rv's. The lack of quality and more important, consistency and supporting documentation is very problematic. I was told by Thor that the wiring can be different on the exact same models on the very same day if 2 different people are working on electrical. There is no continuity to ensure every unit's systems are the same. So each is unique with no supporting documents to help in cases like this. It's all one-off and routed or put together, or in this case a random slot on a fuse bank.