Forum Discussion

s_N_s's avatar
Mar 10, 2014

Using Frontline in FL

No problems with our two little ones yet but can't say the same for other people with pets in the park. Fleas for some now ticks as well and when they have gone to the vet here in FL they're told that FRONTLINE or other products like it do NOT work in this area. The question I have is this, if that's true why do they sell them here? One of our friends took there dog in and was given a (special?) Flea collar to the tune of $80 for the dog to wear. Any comments?????? Thanks
  • LynnandCarol wrote:
    It is because of the SAND FLEAS! Not the same type of Fleas as you are (I mean your dogs) normally used to. We has the same problem last year in South-TX.

    A flea is a flea is a flea that infests dogs.
    BUT the ones on your pet are not 'Sand Fleas'!

    THESE are 'Sand Flea's' found in coastal waters.! :B:B

    You'd know if one of these Sand Flea's were on your dog!
    They are used as bait for fishing.

    SAND FLEAS (Mole Crabs)
    The small crustacean called the "Sand Flea" here in
    Destin and surrounding panhandle
    is what biologists call a decapod Crustacean.
    Further classification narrows it down to the genus
    Emerita. There are over 10 different species of the
    this small crab located on the beaches throughout
    the world. The Gulf Coasts species are either
    Ermerita Talpoida or Emerita benedicti.

    ..."Cat and dog fleas are commonly blamed for “sand flea” bites from small biting flies found in coastal areas. There are many creatures called “sand fleas” by people at the beach. However, true sand fleas are present in sandy areas such as beaches and marshes and are crustaceans, not insects and are not harmful...."

    Just an FYI from Florida what REAL Sand Flea's look like! :C
  • We use comfort I also use diatomaceous earth (food grade) in there beds, carpet, etc. I also put it on the cats.
  • s N s wrote:
    Thanks for the responses so far. The question I have though is why do they sell a product that really shouldn't be used in a specific area of the country. You would think that the mfr. of that product would adjust whatever they put in it to take care of the problem in a specific area of the country. Sure sounds like they're making a whole lot of money for a product thatbdoesnabsolutely nothing. JMHO

    Frontline is a brand name that has had many versions, the latest is Tritak. The earlier versions are available in generic form and are sold many places. One reason the generics (and the earliest Frontline versions) are sold everywhere is that newer products have replaced them and have a better efficacy.

    While there may be regional differences, the effectiveness of all topical brands have a similar pattern and differ only in total initial effectiveness and length of duration.

    Most have somewhere between 80-99% initial kill rate (depending on brand and parasite population) within the first few days. The kill rate decreases every day from there on out until they are pretty ineffective by 3-4 weeks out. The initial kill as well as the fall rate of effectiveness is what we see as "not working."

    Sometimes the lack of effect has to do with owner error, they use the wrong size for the dog or don't get the medication on the skin and distributed optimally.

    It isn't cost effective for these companies to go through the FDA and/or EPA approval for multiple products to account for regional differences.

    If you are having problem with parasite control, I urge you to talk to your local vet to find solutions. If you are having problems, other are too and your vet probably has a handle on ways to attack the problem.

    Doug, DVM
  • s N s wrote:
    You would think that the mfr. of that product would adjust whatever they put in it to take care of the problem in a specific area of the country.

    They have, actually.

    Frontline Tritak

    If you click on the "View States" link, you'll see that most of the states it's available in are in the south. Last year it was only available in southern states, but I see they've added a few more.

    But for whatever reasons I don't hear a lot about this product on the various pet message boards I belong to. I don't recall ever seeing any info about it at my vet's office (and they have plenty of product posters and brochures around). I don't know why it doesn't seem to be more widely available in the states where it's sold.
  • Thanks for the responses so far. The question I have though is why do they sell a product that really shouldn't be used in a specific area of the country. You would think that the mfr. of that product would adjust whatever they put in it to take care of the problem in a specific area of the country. Sure sounds like they're making a whole lot of money for a product thatbdoesnabsolutely nothing. JMHO
  • A few years back when I had my Zachery we had a terrible time with fleas.
    He was on Frontline so when I went to our vet she recommended Advantix ll.
    She did not sell Frontline, she told us that too many of her patients seemed to have a resistance to it.
    I remember clearly reading an article about some areas of Florida where the vets said that the dogs on Frontline seem to attract fleas.
    So we switched and never went back.

  • It is because of the SAND FLEAS! Not the same type of Fleas as you are (I mean your dogs) normally used to. We has the same problem last year in South-TX.
  • TRIFEXIS DOES NOT HAVE TIC PROTECTION. The frontline plus is not being used by many now because the fleas, and tics are showing a resistance to the ingredient in it that controls them. It has been used by many, for so long that just like the bugs who become resistance to antibiotics, the same is happening with the Frontline Plus. There are newer products out. We use Trifexis for heartworm/parasite and flea protection. If we need something for tics we use a newer product the vet recommended, or the Vectra collar -- this applies to both north and south areas all over the country.
  • Trifexis is the #1 product sold here for flees, ticks, and heartworms. The product isn't cheap but it certainly works.
    I would avoid flee collars. It is loaded with pesticides which can be poisonous to pets.
  • We normally use Frontline Plus. However, last Spring we used Vectra prior to going to coastal SC in an area known for ticks. Ironically, dogs had no ticks, 2 humans had ticks that attached + a loose one crawling while sitting on the beach.

    We also spray our campsite area with Happy Jack. Seems to be effective as our dogs havent had problems. One is a Sheltie with a lot of hair! Other one is an Aussie.