Effy wrote:
2oldman wrote:
Bill.Satellite wrote:
Unlimited cellular data is nearly non-existent with service providers these days.
Move this thread to Tech.
x3 - there is no such thing as unlimited data. They call it that and frankly it's a lie. Read the fine print. Usually after you burn through a few gigs they start throttling you down, and there is of course a limit whereby you need to pay when you exceed x- gigs. Not even similar to unlimited, but they get away with calling it that. What it really says is unlimited to a point. Bit of an oxymoron.
you guys are dead wrong
i have an old Verizon unlimited plan
and it works and its unlimited and i have never been CUT off, out of data, can't use
have i been throttled ?
i don't know ?
I have never been given a notice of any kind regarding data
i get notices of how much of my plan minutes i have used (550 minutes a month) and notices on my text msg plan ( 250 text a month )
but never on my data
i know they are rarer than Hens Teeth , and i know the wireless telcos don't offer them to consumers any more,
it was AT&T that got in trouble for throttling people, Also Sprint i think
and it was VZW that got in trouble for advertising unlimited ACCESS (anytime anyplace as often as you want) as "unlimited" implying something it was not, after making plan changes
BUT the omnilynx Huntsville plan, has been thoroughly explained as to whys and hows and the "tracking", in the original thread (read it all..dont skip through it)
i have been stress testing mine, and it is working great
and a reminder, that throttling does not stop web surfing and email use, but will impact streaming video, so even if speed is throttled (and it hasn't been Yet) you can still set there on the PC on facebook all day and keep using them megabytes