ljr wrote:
socal dmax wrote:
Bill is right on the money. When I got my 211K receivers,. both of them needed to download new software, which had to be done with an antenna that was already aimed, according to what I had read on the net. So the first time I used them, I connected them to my stationary dish at home.
This procedure Bill posted for getting the job done with the portable dish is invaluable, Dish Network people should have been able to give you this info, but obviously they're not as familiar with the equipment as Bill is.
I was next to a guy with a 211K and a dome who was having similar problems. I've always had manual dishes on a tripod so I wasn't much help. He finally connected to my 1000.4 for the rest of his stay and all was fine.
Am I to understand that now that his receiver connected and updated with my dish he could go back to his dome and all should be well?
Absolutely NOT! He will only be good while he is connected to your antenna. If he wants to use his dome he will have to start from scratch.