Forum Discussion

Thedawg28's avatar
Mar 12, 2016

Satellite jacks in camper

Ok I guess I'm confused here. On outside of camper we have 2 hookups, a satellite and park cable. I'm hooked into our satellite and in the inside on mainroom TV it has 2 different hookup for satellite or park cable but the other room tv jacks don't. In the bunk room we can't get any satellite signal with our receiver. Any advice?
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Thedawg28 wrote:
    Ok I guess I'm confused here. On outside of camper we have 2 hookups, a satellite and park cable. I'm hooked into our satellite and in the inside on mainroom TV it has 2 different hookup for satellite or park cable but the other room tv jacks don't. In the bunk room we can't get any satellite signal with our receiver. Any advice?

    Normal.. Satellite has to be connected DIRECTLY from the receiver to the antanna, you can not have any "Devices" save for some very special devices sold specifically for Sat use, and those are specific to the service you choose, so the RV maker can NOT install them.

    If you are using a DISH antenna with DUAL output. Put in a 2nd RG-6 Coax for the 2nd TV position and hook up both cables.

    OR you can get the proper digital switch gear (From your sat provider) and then "Split" (really switch) it at the main equ8ipment bay and run a line from there. Please run new RG-6 for the Sat Receiver, do not use the 59 POrovided.
  • As others have said, if you have an inside sat. rx (like from your stick house) it requires a direct connection - use the external sat connection to run a lead to your dish which is probably on a tripod.

    Under our living room tv is another cable plate with two connections. If you don't have a sat. rx, there should be a short coax that loops the sat. connector to the whole house distribution system.

    We have two sat. rxs that require three cables between them. We don't use the house cabling at all - I put all the video gear in the basement and switch HDMI outputs as required.
  • On our RV we have two hookups also one for cable and one for sat on the outside and on the inside. There is also an R6 cable near the living room tv that goes to the bedroom tv. We use that by plugging into the sat receiver for the bedroom tv. Our receiver is for two TV's so one outlet goes to the bedroom and one goes to the living room tv.

    Look real hard and you may find a wire (R6) going to the tv in the bunk room.

    Good Luck.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    The problem is that the OTA and SAT DISH units both require DC Control voltages to be inserted on the same RG cable that is receiving the TV Signals.

    The CABLE TV connection does not require the DC Control voltage.

    What works best for the cable TV connections for multiple TV sets will not work at all for passing the required DC Control voltages for the SAT and OTA TV setups...

    This creates the nitemare of having a system setup to accommodate the different system requirements... One size fits all doesn't exist here...

    The high end models probably have this all figured out but I bet it comes in expensive haha...

    For us the simple thing to do was leave all of the OEM wiring as is that works well for the CABLE and OTA setup and then just run in our own SAT TV signals using its own RG cable hookups. It is very easy to add SAt CONNECTORs in an outside box next to the OEM connections or do like most of us do and run the RG cables into the trailer through the storage doors or windows.

    Using the multiple different input channels on the trailer TV sets allowed us to switch between SAT-CABLE-OTA with ease and have all three worlds using the TV remotes...

    Installing your own expensive SAT TV setup including the connections allows it work the way you want them to work...

    Roy Ken
  • I'm scrambling here to understand the reasoning. For $30 the manufacturer could wire it in and be done with it.
  • Put the box in the living room and run the coaxial out to the ant hookup. Turn off the antenna booster and watch (the same show) in the bed room
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    What we did back in the day was bring along our own SAT RCVRS from the Home DIRECTV account along with a two port SAT DISH setup. Then we would run two RG cables from the two port head with one going to the living room area and the other to the Bedroom area. There it feed the SAT ANT input to the SAT RCVRs.

    Then we would use the VIDEO OUTPUTs to feed the trailer TVs... This way we could use the Trailer TVs to view SAT TV, CABLE TV, and OTA TV using the TV remote.

    Of course when watching SAT TV we had to use a separate REMOTE to change channels on the SAT RCVRS..

    Worked out great but the SAT TV was the standard TV signals only and when the NATL BROADCAST came out with their full blown Digital HDTV signals we just stopped bring along the SAT items... HDTV from the OTA local towns is much better to watch when camping...

    Todays modern SAT TV hookups are much better than in the past but also very expensive...

    Roy Ken
  • usually everything runs through a block where the power button to turn the/ant on is you have to build your own loop to get throughout the trailer its only wired for sat to the main tv