I did not start off this thread clearly about my situation.
I wanted to get the Disney cable channels. They have info on what is going on in the various parks. If you have an older tv set to receive cable, all you get are the local channels. I found out that they give you a cable converter box to receiver all the other channels. It looks like they use DTV to receive various channels and even display a DTV 'guide' on one of the channels, but they are not the normal DTV channel numbers, but their own re-assigned numbers. They have created some sort of scheme where they are using DTV and resending it out over their cable system along with internet. The small converter box is junk and needed to be rebooted every day to get the channels again.
I just wish they had this info on their CG website about the cable requirements. They did state they would give you a cable modem for internet but nothing about TV.
It is not the same place we visited five years ago. Buses are more crowded and run less frequent. Small kids and adults walking around paying more attention to their phones than where they are walking. Why should a baby in a stroller be playing with an iphone in a place like Disney?