melloftus wrote:
Right there with this poster.. after months of agonizing about what generator and how much to spend we finally got ready to pull the trigger on 2 EU2200i's they showed in stock on the Camping World(CW) site but had my husband call the local store yesterday to see if we could purchase there and were notified of the recall. I find it odd that it said they were in stock online though.
So now we are back to square one.. CW says they have the EU3000i in stock for $2300 but it is 78 lb and only 2600 running wattage or I can get a EU3000is that weights in a 131 lbs but has a 2800 running wattage for around $2000...
I really wish I could talk my husband into a Champion model as I can get a 3150-Watt(2850 running watts) with remote start for about $800 but he really isn't budging on it as he has heard the champions are not as quite and he is also worried about reliability but they have really good reviews..
I am just not sure what to do at this point but know I need to pull the trigger on something soon..
Don't mess with camping world. go to a honda dealership instead. Every time I've looked, most Honda dealers have the same or lower price than camping world. And they should have 2200's in stock recall done ready to ship. Dealerships can and are doing the recall now on previously purchased units, so there is no reason they wouldn't have them in stock.
Meanwhile CW probably has to send there units to a honda dealership and we all know how fast and efficient CW is.