wa8yxm wrote:
If it is a small trailer with all the water INSIDE the rig. Just put a small heater, even a 150 watt may well be enough to prevent freezing at 27. but a standard ceramic on low (900 watts) should work well, DO take care about keeping it away from things that flame on when heated. (Like wood or cloth or paper)
if there are exposed pipes in the "Wet" (Contining liquid) state, a infra red heat lamp perhaps 3-6 feet from the pipes (use a spot light style and put it far enough to light up all the pipes that need it) these are usually also in the 150 watt range.
I am expecting TEENS next week.. Not sure I have enough heat. but sure gonna try, LIkely will have to burn propane to keep it all thawed.
Good advice!
Any chance you could use some skirting? It always paid big dividends when I camped in cold temps. If I was moving every so often, I'd use concrete frost blankets. If stationary, I use insulated garage door panels (I have a stack of them).
TEENS next week, I wish I had your problems, they're saying a high of -15f for my location on Monday. :R