1L243 wrote:
I have never had a blowout. I can't really see my tires back there. My trailer is 36' long and weighs in around 12k. For those of you who have had blowouts did you feel it right away or was it the horified look on the peoples face that were passing you?
Your asking about a blow out on the trailer.
Horrified look ?? Never saw that kind of look from folks passing me when my tires were flat. Its really not that big of a deal.
You will here a blowout unless your the brain dead type with the stereo cranked up. Depending on the size of the tow vehicle I can feel a sudden lurching as the flat tire rolls along at first especially with a lighter truck. If its say my 3500 DRW pulling my 16k trailer I may not feel a thing. Thats one good reason to check the mirrors every couple of miles. At nite you look for a spectacular spark show behind the trailer.
I've had more than anyones share of blown/shredded tires on my construction trailers. Most of the time the tire slowly leaks air which causes it to run hot. In a short time the tire starts to lose the tread (steel and fabric belts) which does all the damage. Once the tread belts is gone the tire continues to shed casing belts which do little damage. Once the casing is gone then the steel wheel makes contact with the pavement creating puts on the spark show I mentioned.
I still use my old tire thumper and a quick visual on my trailer tires every time the truck is stopped and were getting out. The visual can show sodewll blisters/tread bulges caused by belt separation/etc.
TPMS are nice but remember the tread may shed and the air pressure remain the same which is the reason I do a visual.